Earlier this week, I had the sad task of attending a viewing and service for my friend’s husband.  He had been ill for a few years, but seemed to have stabilized, so it was a shock.  I’d had the pleasure of meeting him and spending time with him over the last several years. He was one of those gregarious – corny joke telling – always easy to laugh – guys.  

I had heard about the trials and tribulations he had faced over the years.  His road was not an easy one.  And yet he survived, dare I say thrived, and was a source of inspiration and support to so many.  

That was never more evident to me than at the service.  From the priest through several people who wanted to speak…to his grandson, we heard about a person who loved to cut up, loved to laugh, and loved to make others laugh.  Yet, underneath, was a continuing theme of selflessness.  

He was a man who helped others (so many others) rise up from the darkest and most desperate places – as he had done.  He helped them find a path, find a purpose.  Speaker after speaker spoke of his guidance, his friendship, his humor.  He was a lifeline to those drowning and brought them along with him, set their feet on terra firma, and helped them stand on their own, and in turn, stand for others as well.

His son of a father who coached, mentored, and loved.  His son was a strapping guy…who melted in tears.
And we cried with him.

His children, stepchildren, grandchildren…his wife of 30 years, and all of those people for whom he was a smiling beacon have a void now that will need to be filled with their memories and the stories they’ll share.  

Filled, hopefully, by following the example he set.

As the service ended, and I was walking to my car, I couldn’t help but wonder…what would people be able to say when my time comes?  Do you ever wonder what people would say of you?

This gentleman, and he truly was a gentle man, touched so many in ways both large and small.  It was beyond moving, beyond humbling, to hear of a life so well lived.

Rest easy, dear man.